Archive for the ‘General Anouncements’ Category

This year we went all out with more teams, bigger venue, and more prizes. Besides featuring some of the best teams in the lower mainland, we also cater to the rest by having a lower division where teams with similar skills can compete and have fun. This was also the first time we introduced our [...]

RCCS Youth Group AGM 2012

Posted: 23rd November 2012 by President in General Anouncements

For those of you who miss the 2012 RCCS Youth Group Annual General Meeting (AGM), you have missed one of our most exciting events of this year. I would like to compare our AGM to the Oscar Academy Awards. Big blockbuster movies who usually get nominated 5 or 6 times don’t usually win any major prizes [...]

RCCS Halloween Fundraiser 2012

Posted: 7th November 2012 by President in General Anouncements

So what happens when a Ninja, a Jedi, and the President of RCCS Youth walk into a bar? Well you get the 23rd anniversary RCCS Halloween Dinner & Dance Fundraiser. Close to 300 guests showed up for this year’s “best dressed” event. Besides the usual saving the day from evil doers (ie. rescuing innocent helium [...]