RCCS Halloween Fundraiser 2012

Posted: 7th November 2012 by President in General Anouncements

So what happens when a Ninja, a Jedi, and the President of RCCS Youth walk into a bar? Well you get the 23rd anniversary RCCS Halloween Dinner & Dance Fundraiser. Close to 300 guests showed up for this year’s “best dressed” event. Besides the usual saving the day from evil doers (ie. rescuing innocent helium balloons from the evil ballroom sky light), we were also in charge many more “mundane” things. We have to do things like rounding up all the ghosts and fairies for the costume contest, and “shh-ing” people so they will be quiet at the silent auction. Over all the night went great until our Ninja got “Force Choke” because Jedi didn’t like the way Ninja looked at him when the president wasn’t around to keep them in line. And no, the “Force Choke” is not “dark side” move fyi…

Quick reminders: Members who have volunteer for 3 or more RCCS event are invited to the RCCS AGM and Volunteers Appreciation Dinner on Nov. 18. For more information check out the facebook event page. And before that, our AGM is on Thursday Nov. 14 at 7pm in the RCCS Board Room. Please come out and support your presidential candidates. “Foward” I say. And yes, I am Nic and I approve this message.

RCCS Youth Summer Wrap up

Posted: 19th October 2012 by President in General Anouncements

It has been a pretty busy summer for RCCS Youth members. Let’s look back at some of the events that we had in the past couple of months.

Not long after our first League of Legends tournament our group was at the Asian Heritage Fair in Lansdowne Centre on May 6th. Besides promoting the Chinese heritage by playing some classic chinese board games with kids, we also presented a certificate of appreciation to our tournament sponsor MLA Rob Howard.

Then on the weekend of May 18th, 6 brave souls form our RCCS Youth Board members answers Mother Nature’s call in our first ever backcountry camp up at Chilliwack lake provincial park. With nothing more than some warm clothing and cheery attitude they hike up the mountain for about 2 hours up over some rough terrain to stay up there for 2 nights. We hope more members will join us next year because it was so much fun. It would be better if we actually catch a fish there at Lindeman Lake or Green Drop Lake, I am just saying…

Next up would be another great gaming event. Following our successful League of Legend tournament back in March, we were invited to help out at this year LANcouver on June 30th. We were in charge of this year’s League of Legends tournament from running the tournament desk to keeping players on schedule. It was a great opportunity to get to meet many people with similar interests and to see some high level League plays. We hope we get to work with the LANcouver organizers again next year and quite possibly with them at next year’s GottaCon on February over in Victoria too. Special thanks go to the Raise your Weapon crew down in Seattle to come up to cast the games. Thanks Paddo and Highwind.




Right after the LANcouver was over the RCCS Youth Group is at it again on July 1st to celebrate Canada Day. We joined together with other members of the RCCS group and parade around Steveston Village in the annual Steveston Salmon Festival Parade. Even though the weather wasn’t greatest on that day, we still have tons of fun celebrating the birth of our nation.


With the weather looking better than ever a week after Canada Day, the RCCS Youth Group set sight on another wilderness adventure. On July 8th, 9 friends and member of the RCCS Youth Group hike up the 3 peaks of Stawamus Chief Provincial Park near Squamish. Although we didn’t stay overnight this time, the view on top of the second peak was magnificent and well worth the hike up.


We didn’t slow down one bit after that long hike. On July 14th, a week after the hike, the RCCS Youth Group helped up at the annual Senior Health Fair at the RCCS headquarters. The day was fill with helpful seminars and little stations that informs seniors about living a long and healthy life. We also learned that most of our members have the leg strength of a 60 year old…

Our group also participated in the Senior Lunch Day Celebration. Once a year, RCCS host a free luncheon for our local seniors as a thank you to all that they have done for us. More than 500 seniors showed up. The day was packed with free raffle draws and prizes give away as well as performances by various community groups.


On September 30th we celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival by giving out moon cakes at Lansdowne Centre. Our group held down the fort of 500 moon cakes while contestants have to solve 6 simple yet challenging riddles in order to get their hands on them (ie. Which days of the week is the weakest?). I swear some of these questions has to be out of “Are you smarter than a 5th grader”.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival we went back to Lansdowne for another round of contest. But this time around we are there for the Children Drawing Competition on October 7th. This year theme is the “Smoke-free Society” and “Heart healthy Living”. We have more than 70 contestants with children as young as 5 years old. Besides running the competition, our group also ran a number of small games and arts stations for kids to enjoy themselves.

We have 2 more events coming up this year and we are always looking for more help. So please don’t hesitate if you want to contact us.

Thank you all for participating in the RCCS Youth Tech Workshop Interest Survey!

It gives us valuable insight into what you are interested in and we will do our best to tailor the upcoming tech workshops to cater to your wants and needs.

The winners of the draw from the RCCS Youth Tech Workshop Interest Survey are:

Grand Prize Winner ($20 gift card):

  • herman728@…

Second Prize Winners ($10 gift card):

  • danapierotti@…
  • obsessed_penguin@…
  • Vbskids@…

An email will be sent to the winners for next steps. Congratulations to our winners!

Look forward to more announcements from the RCCS Youth Group on the upcoming tech workshops.