Poster Contest – Win up to $200!
By RCCS YouthComments Off
RCCS Youth is hosting a poster contest for young artists at the age between 12 to 20 to show off your talents and win up to $200! RCCS would like to use your awesome poster for Operation Christmas Child so all your hard work will be done for a wonderful cause! The contest will be conducted online and voting will be done by ‘Liking’ the contest entries on Facebook. Should you have any questions regarding this contest, please feel free to contact RCCS directly at
Age Group: 12-20
Submission Date: Before August 19th 11:59 PM PST
Voting Date: August 20th – September 1st 11:59 PM PST
Winning Criteria
- The winner is awarded to the artist whose poster has the highest amount of Likes on Facebook on September 1st at 11:59 PM PST
- Another winner is chosen by the RCCS Youth group, when the group uses the poster for Operation Christmas Child. This may or may not be the same winner as above.
- $100 gift card (Mastercard Gift Card) will be awarded to the artist of the poster with the most vote online
- $100 gift card (Mastercard Gift Card) will be awarded to the artist of the poster that RCCS Youth chooses to use for Operation Christmas Child
- Please be advised, to claim the awards, you need to prove that you’re within the age range of 12-20
- We will be using one of these drawings for RCCS Youth to fundraise for Operation Christmas Child (
- Please include RCCS Youth information ( and and that the Operation Christmas Child donations will be used to help those in need in December.
Other Details
- Each participant must have an image created in a 8.5” by 11” format.
- The drawings must be original and copying is prohibited
- Any method of drawing is allowed, but a digital copy is needed to post on Facebook
- The organizers will fully possess the intellectual property of the drawings and are allowed to use submitted items as they please (credit will be given)